Friday, November 20, 2009

What was the name of the four horsemen of the apocalypse in the bible?

I know death was the one the rode the pale horse, but cant think of the other three. Thanks

What was the name of the four horsemen of the apocalypse in the bible?
The "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" are in Revelation 6. As others have noted:

The white "horseman" comes in peace (but has military power) and rises to very high political power. It is usually accepted (but not by all)that the White Horseman is either the False Prophet or the Antichrist.

The red "horseman" symbolizes war and widespread death, perhaps through persecution, too.

The black "horseman" symbolizes famine and starvation.

The pale "horseman" is even more widespread death wherein 25% of the world's remaining population is killed in one way or another.

The Antichrist is shown again as the "beast" of Revelation 11:7. Satan is now filling this human with great supernatural powers.

What is going to happen? The Antichrist will gain great power and begin to persecute Jews and Christians. Tens, perhaps, hundreds of thousands will die by his orders. I believe this to be the Great Tribulaton (I do differ from Pretribulation Rapture in this). I think the Rapture occurs just before the Wrath of God is unleashed on an evil world.

If you want to read what I think is a good source of information, Marvin Rosenthal's book "The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church." It is not in print and you may have to buy a used copy from sources like or Barnes and Noble.

Only the one rider (Death) is actually named by scripture.

The rider of the first horse (verse 2) is carrying a bow, and he is identified as a conqueror and ruler (by the crown) - suggesting that the conquering is not very peaceful, as some have suggested. I cannot imagine how this rider can be identified as "pestilence" - that is clearly wrong, and "peaceful conquest" does not agree with the description of the figure. "military rule" might be a good description.

The second (verse 4) takes peace from the earth - leading some to identify him as "war".

The third (verse 5-6) is identified by some as "famine" because with him food is very expensive - which does not sound particularly like famine to me, as grain, oil and wine are all available. I would call him "exhorbitant inflation".

The fourth (verse 8) is actually named Death, and (with the aid of Hades) he kills 1/4 of the creatures on the earth by various means (including pestilence).

It just goes to show that reading it for yourself is much more informative...

Reply:it was death (the pail horse), famine (the green horse), war (the red horse), and the white horse is peaceful conquest.
Reply:Famine, War, Pestilence, and Carlos.



Reply:War, Famine and Pestilence.

Reply:Larry Curly and Moe brought up the rear.

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