Sunday, November 15, 2009

What was the name of the man who survived execution by a firing squad?

He was a man who was set to be executed by a firing squad. They shot at him, but he still didn't die! However, he recieved scars on his face.

What was the name of the man who survived execution by a firing squad?
many such instances, especially in the case of mass executions.

However in many cases the murderers were not so careless- eg in the case of the Katyn forest massacre, where each and every man of the 50 thousand Polish prisoners of war was tied with barbed wire and carefully shot in the head by the Russian NKVD

Bear in mind that traditionally, in formal executions, there can be no survivor of a firing squad. Even if the firing squad does not completely kill the convict, the officer in charge is supposed to shoot the convict - it is called "coup de grace" or mercy shot.
Reply:There was more than one. Nathan Jachimowicz. Frank Matovu. I hit a bunch of others. Google survived firing squad unless you have more details about who you are specifically looking for. Good luck.
Reply:Holey Schmoley ?

Mr Damn Lucky?
Reply:Bobbin Weave.

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