Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is the name of the specialist that can look at the tongue?

The top surface of my tongue has been white for about 3 weeks now. I looked up on yahoo a few symptoms what it might be and i think i'm going to need to see a specialist about the problem. Of course if you can give me some suggestions as to what the problem is and tell me what specialist can look at my tongue. Thanks.

What is the name of the specialist that can look at the tongue?
The highest paid, best trained specialist is an ENT (Ear, Nose, %26amp; Throat) physician. Your general dentist should also routinely examine your tongue during regular visits. There are several causes of white-coated tongue surface. If it's a common superficial infection with Monilia fungus, your general physician could prove it with a swab culture and proide simple surface treatment.
Reply:I would go to an ENT.

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