Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is the name of your favorite beer and which country brews it?

Do you prefer it ice-cold or warm?

Finally, do you add anything into it, i.e. alcohol or what?

Thanks unto all!

What is the name of your favorite beer and which country brews it?
1. Brugs tarwebier - Blanche de


Bruges, Belgium

Comments: excellent


Lemon overtones, my favorite

Belgian made beer.

2. Budweiser - Budvar



Comments: the original

'Budweiser,' very nice flavor.

3. Celis White

Celis Brewery

Austin, Texas, United States

Comments: made in Austin

Texas by Pierre Celis, just like

Brugs tarwebier, very good,

lemon / fruitity flavor. Just to

look at a glass of Celis White

is wonderful.

4. Count Arco's Weissbeer


weiss beer, 'mit Hefe' similar

to Erdinger, very nice flavor,

good hot day beverage.

5. Dentergems White Ale

Dentergem, Belgium

Comments: nice, similar to

Celis Wit and Brugs tarwebier.

6. Douglas Scotch Brand Ale

Antwerp, Belgium

Comments: brewed under

contract to a Scottish brewery,

strong, malty taste.

7. Erdinger Weissbier

Erding, Germany

Comments: possibly my

favorite beer, lemony over-

tones, excellent hot day

[actually any day] beverage,

made in Erding.

8. Gordon Scotch Ale


Comments: brewed under

contract to a Scottish brewery,

strong malty flavor, dark.

9. Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout

Tadcaster, England

Comments: not very bitter,

nice taste after the first few

sips not hoppy, sweet and

malty $ 2.79 for 0.55 liter.

10. Straffe Hendrik Pils


Comments: very nice brown

ale, made in Brugs, fairly


11. Trois Monts Flanders Golden


Saint-Sylvestre, France

Comments: transalated - three

mounts, made in NW France,

but very similar to Straffe

Hendrickwhich is made in

Bruges, Belgium.

12. Tucher weiss

Nurnberg, Germany

Comments: yummy, excell-

ent hot day beer, refresh-

ing clean taste.

13. Mort Subite


Comments: translated -

'suden death,' but don't shy

away from this one, it's named

after a bar in Brussels

[beer heaven,] not for the

affect it has.

14. Paulaner Salvator DoppelBock


Munich, Germany

Comments: excellent flavor.
Reply:San Miguel Pale Pilsen, adjudged one of the best beers in the world.

It's brewery in Manila was establilshed when the Philippines was still under Spain, before the country was sold to the US for $20 million under the Treaty of Paris.

Until very recently, no other kind of Philippine-made beer had successfully challenged San Miguel's predominance in the local market.

In many areas in the Philippines, when one orders or says beer, it is automatically taken to mean San Miguel beer.
Reply:There is no way for me choose only one, but here are a few that come to mind, in no particular order: Pilsner-Urquell from Plzen, Czech Republic, quite cold; anything from Unibroue in Quebec, Canada (especially Maudite), most of them in the cellar-temperature range; Sierra Nevada Pale Ale from Chico, California, cool to cold; Bell's Amber Ale from Kalamazoo, Michigan, cellar temp; Orval from southern Belgium, cellar temp; Guinness (preferably the Extra Stout, but the Pub Draught is OK too) from Ireland, room temperature; Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale from England, cellar temp; Rochefort #8 Trappist from Belgium, cellar temp; Rodenbach Belgian Red Ale from Belgium, cellar temp.

I'd like to go on, but I'm getting thirsty now. And no, I wouldn't add anything to any of these beers.
Reply:Orion Beer Japan/Okinawa

Product of Ireland

Here in the US it's served cold.
Reply:My favorite beer is Bud Light, and it is brewed in the United States. I like it so cold that it hurts my teeth with the first drink. There is never a reason to add anything to it, it is perfect the way it is.
Reply:My favorite beer is Busch. Brewed right here in the good ol' U S of A.

best served ice cold

beer is gross and smells like pee
Reply:Natural Ice, Brewed in the US, Gets me were I want to be fast....
Reply:Iron City Beer, Made in Pittsburgh, Pa USA

Only beer still 6% alcohol by volume.

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